Thursday, December 02, 2010

This is Genius.

I so have this problem. Nowhere to put clothes that are not fresh from the laundry/closet but also not dirty enough to go in the laundry basket.

I'd love to see two or three of these hung vertically up a wall. I might have to take this on. Except for the lack of a table saw...tricky....

Anyway, thank you again, genius editors at Apartment Therapy.


lmajunior said...

I like using hooks behind the door. Nobody but you ever looks behind the door. I do think the ones pictured are genius, if you have a vacant wall.

p.s. Your dad has every sort of power tool. Not sure if you could convince him to pack the appropriate one in his suitcase.

Kate said...

Yeah, my concern on the power tools wasn't access so much as where would we use them? In my dining room? Haha.